

Git 快速教程

流程: 取代码 → 每次工作前更新代码到最新版本 → 修改代码 → 提交代码到服务器


介绍Win下配置Django 开发环境

Hovercard plugin tutorials

Alternatively you can provide the username by adding a ‘data-hovercard’ attribute with the hovered label/link etc. Recommended when using multiple twitter/facebook hovercard on your page. Using data-hovercard will be as easy as this example

Full Calendar 文档

FullCalendar 是一款可自定义控件大小、支持拖拽的jQuery插件。可使用AJAX 获取事件悬浮放置在每一个月,而且也很容易使用你自己的Feed格式来配置日历(比如Google Calendar提供的扩展API)。

SSH Proxy

环境: win7 64bit 服务:Hostmonster SSH 工具:Putty.exe, Plink.exe 下载地址: chiark.greenend.org.uk…/putty


Whilst that creates a simple slide, things are a lot more fun you start adding data properties to your slides. Data attributes signify properties of your slide for when it’s NOT the active slide. The following data properties are available to you…

10 useful htaccess tricks to improve your website

For some reason, the .htaccess file is often overlooked by web designers. If you have no idea what the .htaccess file is, I’ll just give you the Wikipedia definition: “A .htaccess (hypertext access) file is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers, that allows for decentralized management of web server configuration.”

Vanilla 开发:异步调用最新的20条帖子

Please note that this script uses jQuery so you’ll need to include that in your page as well. It is a very common library and should work. You should really know javascript and jQuery a little bit or you’ll be flying blind though.

Ruby 环境配置及HAML 及SASS 应用

之前 写过一篇 http://ued.ucoding.com/2011/07/21/ruby-enviroment-configuration/ , 在此中文整理一下。

Expand and Folding show with simple Javascript


php 5.2.14 curl 无法加载

这类错误最简单直接的办法是更新PHP版本: 下载PHP 5.2.15 版本的 php_curl.dll 覆盖旧版。

CSS 花园

CSS 花园 这个名字其实也不是自个定义的。最初还是受css Zen Garden 的影响罢了,保证layout一致的同时让一个页面呈现出千姿百态的浪漫效果,的确让我着迷。

CSS Hack

从事前端开发的同学都会遇到多套不同类型浏览器的兼容问题,至于会出现兼容问题主要源于各浏览器厂商对W3C标准的执行不一致,这就要求我们经常使用到CSS Hack方法,在此总结如下。