
Google 不被解封,中国及中华民族就不会有希望!

纵观历史,没有哪朝哪代会因为闭关锁国还能长久存在下去,大清朝怎么样… 照样被帝国主义攻破大门。真正的宇宙真理是融为一体… 不学习、不包容、不开放的国家与民族怎么可能有繁荣的未来。GFW封闭的不是网路与网路的关系,而是封闭人类意识的自然发展,跟自然做对抗的结局会很惨烈,代价很惨重,然而这些都是执政者们的错误造就所属民族的悲剧。

你可能会说,通过GFW可以过滤不良信息,那么什么是不良信息呢?你可能会说可以屏蔽异议分子,那么什么是异议分子呢?如果每个人的意识思想都一致,自然界、人类社会还怎么发展,这世界上存在一个人就好了,干嘛有人类呢?你也可能会说GFW可以屏蔽1024,那么是的,谁让你去1024的呢… 还不是你自己要去的吗?

所以,GFW就是大清朝闭关锁国的复辟,这种结局会很惨烈! 封锁Google看起来是件小事,也或许是互联网界的一件不起眼的技术过滤,然而通过此种小事给我们带来的执政者的细节与态度就可以知道我们已经进入了意识形态封闭期,奴化民众,民族的悲哀…


Google被封已经有一段时间了… 以上也是自己通过此事件有感而发,中国的执政者已经不是第一次干查封网络服务的事了,我也不确定未来我们整个社会、国家、民族将如何定义这段历史及该党在这段时期的错误执政史,也或许它将遭到后世的唾骂……


以下来自Google Translate 服务。

Google will not be re-opened, China and the Chinese people will not have hope!

Throughout history, no generation because of the closed-door policy toward what can long endure, how about … Great Qing Dynasty still being imperialist break the door. The real truth of the universe is the integration … not to learn, not inclusive, how could not open the state and nation have a future prosperity. GFW closed relationship with the Internet is not a network, but closed the natural development of human consciousness, to do with the natural outcome would be tragic confrontation, the price is very heavy, but these are the rulers of their respective national tragedy makes mistakes.

You might say, bad information can be filtered by GFW, then what is bad message? You might say you can shield dissidents, then what is dissidents it? If everyone’s consciousness ideas are consistent in nature, but also how the development of human society, there is a person like this in the world, why have human beings? You might also say GFW can shield 1024, then yes, why did not you go to 1024 … it is not going to do you own?

So, GFW is a big Qing restoration of seclusion, such an outcome would be tragic! Google appears to be a small thing blockade, or maybe a humble technical Internet community filter, however, has brought us through such trivial details and attitude of those in power can know that we have entered the ideological closure period, enslaving the people, the nation’s sorrow …

Future of the world must be an open, democracy, equality, freedom, competitive world, any violation of this rule social system (including the West) are contrary to the natural law of human development and civilization, are knocked, boomerang!

Google has been blocked for some time … and also his more personal feelings through this event, China’s rulers have not the first time stem seal network service thing, I do not determine the future of our entire community, state, nation will how to define this period of history and the ruling party in the wrong period of history, or maybe it was later reviled.

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