

<txp:article />




...contained statements...

This is equivalent to putting the contained statements into a form named “my_form” and using <txp:article form="my_form" /> .

The tag is context-sensitive, which means it will grab articles from the currently viewed section/category/author, etc.

When used on the front page, article’s context will include articles from all Sections set to display “On front page”.

See this comparison of how article and article_custom differ.


该标签允许使用以下属性 (区分大小写):

customfieldnamevalueRestrict to articles with specified value for specified custom field name. Replace “customfieldname” with the name of the custom field.
keywordskeyword(s)Restrict to articles with specified keyword(s).
statusstatusRestrict to articles with the specified status.
Values: live or sticky
Default: live.
timetimeRestrict to articles posted within specified timeframe.
Values: past, future, or any (both past and future).
Default: past.
sortsort value(s)How to sort resulting list.
Values: ID (article id#)、AuthorID (author name)、LastMod (date last modified)、LastModID (author name of last modification)、Posted (date posted)、Expires (expiry date)、Title、Category1、Category2、comments_count、Status、Section、Keywords、Image (article image id#)、url_title、custom_1 through custom_10(From 4.2.0 on: custom_n)、rand() (random).
Each field in the textpattern database table can be used as a sort key.
When viewing a search results list,score (how well the search terms match the article)is available as an additional value.
Default: Posted desc (score desc for search results)
offsetintegerThe number of articles to skip.
Default: 0.
limitintegerThe number of articles to display.
Default: 10.
pagebyintegerThe number of articles to jump forward or back when an older or newer link is clicked. Allows you to call the article tag several times on a page without messing up older/newer links.
Default: value matches the value assigned to limit.
pgonlybooleanDo the article count, but do no display anything. Used when you want to show a search result count, or article navigation tags before the list of articles. Just Make sure that, other than pgonly, both article tags are identical (form-related attributes are the exception, they do not need to be assigned).
Default: 0 (no).
allowoverridebooleanWhether to use override forms for the generated article list.
Default: 1 (yes).
searchstickybooleanWhen outputting search results, include articles with status “sticky”.
Default: 0 (no).
formform nameUse specified form.
Default: default.
listformform nameUse specified form when page is displaying an article list.
searchformform nameThe form to be used for your customized search results output.
Default: search_results.


These attributes, which affect presentation, are shared by many tags. Note that default values can vary among tags.


Label prepended to item.
Default: unset (but see label cross-reference for exceptions).


(X)HTML tag (without brackets) to wrap around label.
Default: unset.

break=“tag text”

(X)HTML tag (without brackets) or string to separate list items.
Default: br (but see break cross-reference for exceptions).


(X)HTML tag (without brackets) to wrap around the list.
Default: unset (but see wraptag cross-reference for exceptions).

class=“class name”

(X)HTML class attribute to apply to the wraptag.
Default: tag name or unset (see class cross-reference)

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